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Class of 2016 Honored at Senior Recognition Colloquy
By Emily Mathe on March 16, 2016
On Thursday, March 10, PUC’s Colloquy Speaker Series featured no famous orators, renowned authors, or awe-inspiring filmmakers, but rather its own hardworking class of 2016. Seniors marched down the aisle at the beginning of the program, tassels swinging, in a “practice run” for the long-anticipated graduation on June 12. After all the participating seniors were seated, professor of religion Young-Chun Kim played a brilliant special music, “Etude-Caprice Op. 18, No. 4” by Henri Wieniawski. Following the performance, vice president for academic administration Nancy Lecourt rose to present the senior class, recognizing the number of students graduating with each major, as well as the number of students who will graduate cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. PUC President Dr. Heather J. Knight then introduced the Colloquy speaker chosen by the class of 2016: professor of communication Dr. Tammy McGuire, who was recognized as PUC’s Professor of the Year in 2011. Dr. McGuire’s message to the senior class focused on the importance of the “in-betweens” of life, and how to not fall prey to the deadly disease of “senioritis.” She said it’s easy to get bogged down in the long, dull stretches of life between day-to-day realities and the...
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Longo Lecture Features Speaker Marilyn McEntyre
By Emily Mathe on February 22, 2016
The 2016 Frank A. and Florine A. Longo Lecture featuredcelebrated writer and professor Dr. Marilyn Chandler McEntyre. Author of over adozen books, McEntyre teaches medical humanities at UC Davis and the UCBerkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, and is a frequent lecturer on issues ofmedicine and literature.On February 18 PUC’s Scales Chapel filled with students,faculty, and community members eager to hear McEntyre’s presentation. Theprogram began with a special tribute to Dr. Lawrence Longo, PUC alum andsponsor of the lecture series, who passed away on January 5, 2016, in LomaLinda, California. Dr. Longo was a distinguished professor of Physiology, and Obstetricsand Gynecology at Loma Linda University. PUC President Dr. Heather J. Knightspoke about Dr. Longo’s legacy as a researcher, mentor, teacher, missionary,innovator, and medical historian.Dr. Longo’s nephew, Kevin Longo, spoke briefly about his uncleand expressed his appreciation of how Dr. Longo’s accomplishments and hisstatus as a distinguished alumnus continues to be honored at PUC. “Writing andbeing inquisitive were what he was about,” Kevin Longo said of his uncle. Healso mentioned Dr. Longo’s passion to see the generation of youth make adifference. One of the pieces of advice he would always give to young peoplewas to “go do great things.”Following the tribute, English professor...
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World Missions Week Inspires Future Missionaries
By Emily Mathe on February 13, 2015
Pacific Union College’s emphasis on world missions has a longand distinguished history. Over 1,300 student missionaries have served incountries as diverse as Chile, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Kenya, theMarshall Islands, and South Korea. Inrecent years, PUC has continued to send dozens of student missionaries tocountries around the globe, providing much needed medical aid, constructionassistance, education, and of course the messages of the Gospel. During thecollege’s recent World Missions Week, the focus is all on helping futuremissionaries understand why they should serve and how they can make it happen.World Missions Week, January 26-30, gave students a look atwhat is entailed by mission work abroad—the rewards, as well as the toil.During the week, there was a table at the front of the Dining Commons manned bythe staff of the PUC World Missions office, ready to answer questions and sharetheir student missionary experience. Elden Ramirez, director of the NorthAmerican Division of Seventh-day Adventists’ office of volunteer ministries,visited campus to connect with future ministries. In addition, the worldmissions staff held a workshop on financing student missionary work, animportant step for hopeful students ready to give of their time. To finish theweek of spiritual missions emphasis, Jose Rojas continued his tradition of speakingto PUC students...
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David Anthony Johnson Brings Martin Luther King Jr.’s Speeches to Life
By Emily Mathe on January 9, 2015
PUC’s Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance Colloquy on January 8 featured musician and orator David Anthony Johnson. His presentation was entitled “Let Freedom Ring: The Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.” Johnson intertwined narratives from his own childhood and anecdotes about King’s life with performances of iconic speeches from the civil rights leader. Johnson not only recited the words of King’s speeches, but emulated his tone, delivery, inflection, and rhythm, recreating a little bit of history from the platform of the PUC Church.Johnson recounted how his great-grandmother urged him to learn King’s speeches by heart; he grew up surrounded by King’s voice and words through his family members and developed his own desire to learn more about the prominent civil rights activist. At the Colloquy program, Johnson orated three of King’s speeches, including King’s own “eulogy,” which was a sermon he preached just two months before his assassination. Johnson concluded with “I’ve Been to the Mountain,” King’s last delivery, which was given the day before his life ended in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. Johnson himself is not only known for his oratory, but for his musical ability as well. He began singing at the age of four, and...
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Season of Joy: PUC Celebrates Christmas
By Emily Mathe on December 10, 2014
The annual lighting of the PUC Christmas tree took place on the Monday of dead week, December 1. The campus mall was aglow with candlelight, and Christmas melodies wafted over the people in the crowd as they waited for the festivities to commence in front of the massive landmark tree. At 6:30 sharp, Student Association (SA)president Daniel DeCaires welcomed everyone to the tree lighting, especially thanking the rest of the SA officers for their hard work at the beginning of the holiday season. Josue Hernandez, SA religious vice president, gave a short prayer then turned the stage over to PUC President Heather J. Knight. President Knight provided the encouraging message that in a few short days, the quarter will be over and winter break will begin; until then, we have to keep up the momentum and power through finals. She then began the countdown to the light-up. After a momentous few seconds to take in the radiant tree, most of the crowd headed to the mall in front of the campus center for cookies and hot chocolate. As a surprise finishing touch to the evening, a snow machine blanketed the ground of the mall with fluffy white flakes to the...
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Poets and Friends: Rose and Rosenberg Read at PUC
By Emily Mathe on November 21, 2014
Pacific Union College’s department of English hosted a
poetry reading on the evening of November 17 featuring adjunct English
professor Judith Rose and her friend, Israeli poet and translator Betsy
Rosenberg. The poets are accomplished
writers as well as longtime friends, and in their presentation spoke about
their shared childhood experiences and current creative collaboration to a full
auditorium in McKibben Hall.
After an introduction to the poets by Cynthia Westerbeck,
chair of the department of English, Rose and Rosenberg alternated reading. Both
have recently published books of poetry: Rose published Walking the Minefield in 2012 with Finishing Line Press, and
Rosenberg’s A Future More Vivid with
Sheep Meadow press this month. “It’s so wonderful to be able to look back on
such a long time … and to share the perspectives of over a half century of
friendship,” Rosenberg said of her friendship with Rose. As they read, they
explored similar themes in their poetry, including descriptions of the Midwest
(where they first met), animals, the passing of siblings, and the tensions of
war and peace.
To read more about Rose and Rosenberg’s longtime friendship
and poetry, read the profile in the St. Helena Star....
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PUC Introduces the 2014 Maxwell Scholars
By Emily Mathe and Cambria Wheeler on July 22, 2014
Among the incoming freshman coming to Pacific Union Collegein September are five exceptional students who have been chosen as this year’srecipients of the Maxwell Scholarship. Named for PUC’s iconic presidentialcouple, Dr. Malcolm and Eileen Maxwell, this prestigious award is given tostudents who show outstanding academic achievement, exceptional leadershipexperience, and a commitment to Christian service. The Maxwell Scholar Programawards recipients a $15,000 renewable scholarship for all four years theyattend PUC.Alexander Chang of Grass Valley, Calif., dedicated hishigh school career at Pine Hills Adventist Academy (PHAA) to scholastic,athletic, and extracurricular success. The Grass Valley, Calif., native wasstudent association president his senior year, starting new programs likePHYSICS (Pine Hills Youth Spiritually Invigorating Campus Soldiers) and a Kicks4 Kids shoe drive. During high school this natural leader also won awards inmultiple sports and captained the basketball and flag football teams. Alex hasbeen on six mission trips since 2006, assisting with construction projects,medical and dental services, Vacation Bible School, and Week of Prayerprograms. He also succeeded scholastically as a member of the National and asthe recipient of PHAA’s top academic awards in multiple subjects. Alex islooking forward to starting classes at PUC in September. “I'm really excited tostudy subjects that really interest me, meet new...
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PUC Admissions Website Receives Awards
By Emily Mathe and Cambria Wheeler on May 28, 2014
Pacific Union College’s new mobile friendly admissions website, launched in February, has been recognized for achievement in both design and marketing. Most recently, the website garnered a 2014 American In-house Design Award from Graphic Design U.S.A., an organization that sponsors multiple graphic design competitions. The In-house Design Award spotlights the outstanding work by in-house designers, recognizing them both for their talent and for the challenges they face and the unique value they bring to their institutions. The In-house Design Award competition receives more than 4,000 submissions each year from design teams that work within the institutions they serve instead of at design agencies, with a very select 15 percent recognized with a certificate of excellence. Pacific Union College received a certificate for the admissions website as well as a congratulatory letter to the college’s administration. In addition, the website is eligible for publication in the In-House Design Annual, with a circulation of over 100,000 professionals. Earlier this year, PUC’s admissions website won a silver award from the 29th Annual Education Advertising Awards, sponsored by Higher Education Marketing Report. Of nearly 2,000 entries, PUC was amongst the 146 institutions granted a silver award and was one of only 31 winners in...
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Exceptional Alumni and Professor Emeritus Honored at PUC Homecoming
By Emily Mathe on May 5, 2014
Since 1882, Pacific Union College has been preparing students for a lifetime of service to God and humanity. From April 25-27, the college welcomed alumni back to its Angwin, Calif., campus to celebrate that heritage, share special memories, and to recognize the impact of PUC graduates. During the Homecoming Weekend festivities, the college recognized a group of alumni that have made significant contributions as the 2014 Honored Alumni. The annual Honored Alumni awards are given to individuals who are truly representatives of the PUC Pioneer spirit, and this year’s recipients were no exception. During Sabbath morning worship service, PUC President Heather J. Knight, Ph.D., presented the first award to the 2014 awardees. First to be honored was Lawrence Longo, M.D., pioneering researcher and founder and emeritus director of the Center for Perinatal Biology at Loma Linda University. Longo graduated from PUC in 1949, and established the Frank A. and Florine A. Longo Lecture series at his alma mater in 1993. Though Longo was unable to attend the service, his daughter Celeste de Tessan came to accept the award on her father’s behalf. The next recipient was Joe L. Wheeler, Ph.D., a 1959 graduate of PUC’s history department and a beloved...
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College Days Immerses High School Students in PUC Atmosphere
By Emily Mathe on February 21, 2014
Hundreds of high school juniors and seniors visited PUC’s College Days to sit in on classes and worship services, meet professors and other students, and fully immerse themselves in Pacific Union College’s unique environment. The four-day event, held on February 13-16, also included a visit to the town of St. Helena, giving the College Days students a first-hand look at PUC’s scenic Napa Valley location. “College Days is a great event that connects students with the campus,” said J.R. Rogers, one of PUC’s enrollment counselors. “It gives them a look into what it would be like to attend PUC, meet with professors and students, sleep in the dorm, eat the food and attend the campus events. Traditionally students that visit campus have a higher probability of attending here, so these events are quite important and an opportunity for PUC as a whole to put its best foot forward.” The office of enrollment services coordinates the event in the hope that the visit will encourage students that the college is a perfect fit for them. The experience allows students to check out the departments that interest them, converse with college students with similar interests, and figure out what living at PUC...
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