Student success is our priority. The Student Success Center offers free group tutoring in over 25 different subjects, ranging from business to languages to science. There’s a writing lab available to students who would like input and direction on writing papers. The SSC also has a disabilities support service coordinator who works with students who need special support due to temporary or long-term/permanent disabilities and helps ensure their academic success at PUC.
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Parent FAQ
Visiting PUC
What airport should I fly in to when visiting PUC?
Angwin is 85 miles from San Francisco International Airport (SFO), 78 miles from Oakland International Airport (OAK), and 90 miles from Sacramento International Airport (SMF). Evans Airport Service offers shuttle service from SFO and OAK airports to Napa, where you can be picked up by PUC if you’ve pre-arranged this service. (Please fill out the Transportation Registration form to make arrangements.)
The Angwin Airport, Virgil O. Parrett Field , located directly above the main campus, is owned and operated by PUC. Tie down, gasoline and oil sale, and mechanical services are available for those with a private plane interested in using the college’s airport facilities.
What accommodations are near the school?
PUC truly is in the heart of Northern California:
- 30 miles from Napa
- 65 miles from Oakland
- 92 miles from Sacramento
- 70 miles from San Francisco
- 30 miles from Santa Rosa
There are many boutique hotel and bed and breakfast options available in nearby St. Helena or Calistoga.
What are the dates for finals and breaks?
What is PUC’s mailing address?
1 Angwin Ave.
Angwin, CA 94508
How should I address a care package to my student?
Student’s Name
Students Residential Hall
1 Angwin Ave.
Angwin, CA 94508
Financial Aid and Payments
What is PUC’s tuition, room, and board?
Please see current tuition rates.
Are there payment plans?
Two payment options are available.
- Advanced Payment Discount: A 4% discount is available to students who pay the year’s balance in advance by September 15.
- Monthly Payment Plan: You may choose to split the tuition into nine monthly payments starting September 15 and ending May 15.
What are the payment methods?
Choose from the following options:
e-Billing: This feature allows you to view financial statements, receive notifications when monthly statements are available, and make payments online.
Flywire: PUC has partnered with flywire to offer an innovative way to streamline payments for international sources.
FERPA/Student Privacy
What is FERPA?
In maintaining student records, the college complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. FERPA is a federal law which affords students certain rights with respect to their education records, including guidelines regarding confidentiality of information. FERPA rights are accorded to ALL STUDENTS ENROLLED AT PUC regardless of age or circumstance.
FERPA provides regulations concerning a student’s education record, which consists of all records directly related to a student and maintained by PUC, with the following exceptions: your education record does not include law enforcement records, non-student employment records, medical/psychological treatment records, alumni records, or records kept in the sole possession of the maker.
What does that mean for parents?
According to FERPA, parents have no inherent rights to inspect a student's education record from a college or university. In compliance with this federal law, PUC will release confidential information from the student’s education records to parents only under the following circumstances:
- Upon the written consent of the student, renewed yearly. PUC provides the FERPA Privacy Form that students can sign to provide this consent.
- Upon the provision of a copy of the most recent Federal Income Tax form showing that the student was claimed as a financial dependent.
- In compliance with a lawfully issued (by judge or attorney) subpoena.
Residential Life
What does a residential hall room come with?
Each residence halls room contains 2 beds, dresser drawers, closets, desks & chairs, and 1 sink with mirror.
- Twin beds--regular size/length--or a set of two or three person bunks
- Closets
- Dressers or drawers attached to closet
- Desks and chairs
- Coin operated laundry facilities
- Kitchens or cooking areas
- Window coverings in women's residence halls
- Parlors and/or study rooms
- Bike storage areas
- Internet access
What else should my student bring?
When students are planning what to pack and bring with them from home, keep in mind the following items:
- Mattress cover and linens
- Desk lamp
- Wastebasket
- Cleaning supplies
- Personal vacuum (the residence halls do not have vacuums available)
- Telephone
- Earphones
- Iron
- Airtight food storage containers
- Room décor and attitude to reflect a Christian atmosphere
What can’t my student bring?
- Flat screen TVs over 32"
- Noisy electronic devices
- Their own furniture
- Pets (only exception are fish and service animals)
- Anything with an open flame or open coil.
- Indoor or outdoor grills (such as "George Foreman", etc.)
What about appliances?
Students may bring:
- Coffee maker
- Rice cooker
- Blender
- Microwave
- Hot Pot with enclosed heating elements
- Small refrigerator.
- All appliances must comply with the fire safety code. For more specifics, please refer to the Student Handbook.
Anything else to note?
- All extension cords MUST have circuit breaker switches.
What is the best cell phone provider to have?
Currently Verizon is the only mobile service that works in Angwin, so change your student’s mobile phone plan if necessary! However, there is wifi throughout the campus, so students are able to use their phones when connected.
What is the PUC meal plan?
PUC offers a variety of meal plan options.
What is the Angwin Plaza?
Across the street from PUC’s main campus, Angwin Plaza is home to several businesses that provide essential services, including the College Market, ACE Hardware, Silverado Credit Union, and U.S. Post Office.
What emergency resources are available to my student?
PUC offers a downloadable safety communication app called LiveSafe. Through the app, students can report suspicious activity and incidents and access safety and emergency resources and procedures.