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PUC Welcomes Speaker Scott Alvord and Other Professionals for Annual Career Day
By Andrew Mahinay on March 9, 2017
Pacific Union College welcomed entrepreneur, businessperson, and PUC alumnus Scott Alvord to speak for the Colloquy Speaker Series on March 2. Students were moved by Alvord’s story of success, from a college student struggling to pay his tuition to currently serving on the Roseville City Council. Lary Taylor, associate professor emeritus of business administration, introduced Alvord, noting he has been voted favorite local business person and favorite civic leader in the Reader’s Choice awards for Style Magazine, a local publication for the area of Roseville, Granite Bay, and Rocklin. Alvord stepped on stage with an authoritative yet welcoming presence. During his presentation, he emphasized the importance of valuing an education, not only because it provides a variety of career opportunities, but also because of the investment you’re making. He encouraged students to strive for good grades. “God has put you here to enrich the world,” Alvord said to the students and urged, “Become a person of value, not a person of success.” As a freshman at PUC, Alvord struggled to pay tuition. To his surprise and amazement, a mysterious donation covered his first year expenses, giving him the opportunity to take full advantage of PUC’s education system. Money was still...
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PUC Students Blessed by Pastor Tim Gillespie’s Winter Revival Message
By Andrew Mahinay on January 31, 2017
Pacific Union College welcomed pastor Tim Gillespie for Winter Revival, an annual weeklong service, January 17-20. During this time, students were given the opportunity to rekindle and reaffirm their faith in Christ. A former PUC Pioneer, Gillespie is now the head pastor at the Crosswalk Church in Redlands, Calif. He spoke to students about Christ’s enduring love and constant drive to be a part of their lives. At each meeting, Pastor Gillespie took to the stage with authority. "God is breaking through,” he would state, establishing the theme of the week. “God is constantly striving to be a relevant part of your lives,” Gillespie reminded students. “Each day, we are given the opportunity for God to break through into the lives we lead. He not only saved you but He sanctified you and taught you what love is.” Throughout the week, Gillespie continued to break down the theme of “God Breaking Through.” On the second night, he shared a funny analogy about his son Jacob, causing waves of laughter to be heard throughout Dauphinee Chapel. "As a father," said Gillespie, "I want what is best for my child just as God our Father wants what is best for us, His...
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“It Is Written” Director John Bradshaw Speaks at PUC
By Andrew Mahinay on November 30, 2016
Pacific Union College welcomed renowned pastor John Bradshaw to speak for the Colloquy Speaker Series on Thursday, November 17. Bradshaw is the current speaker and director for “It Is Written,” an international Seventh-day Adventist television program viewed by millions of people around the world. He has held over 100 evangelistic series spanning across six continents. Bradshaw’s message to PUC students, faculty, and staff centered on the importance of God being the focus in their lives. “Jesus, recognizing our best is not good enough, didn’t leave us to wallow in our inadequacy,” he said, a line encapsulating his entire sermon. Bradshaw pointed out that while we are far from being perfect, God is continuously working in and through each us. “Those were comforting words,” said Jonathan Oliveros, an aviation major. “The only power ever devised that has the capacity to take an unholy thing and make it a holy thing… is the Holy Spirit,” Bradshaw asserted. His affirmation of hope echoed throughout the PUC Church sanctuary. He explained it is by the Holy Spirit’s power and influence in our lives we can live a Christ-like life. “We as Christians must accept the Holy Spirit to influence and move in our lives...
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