Fall Revival Features Iki Taimi

By Lainey S. Cronk on October 14, 2008

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Fall Revival Features Iki Taimi

Each year, just into the first quarter of the new year, a "Fall Revival" helps students get a spiritual kick-start to the year. This year's featured speaker was Iki Taimi, a pastor from Southern California who has been working in a "church plant," starting a church from scratch, since 2006.

Wednesday through Friday, students' class schedule was altered to allow for morning and evening meetings that everybody could attend. Taimi also spoke for both Sabbath church services. His message for the PUC campus was about how "God Uses Everyday People." On Thursday, when he spoke for campus colloquy, he talked about how Jesus told a group of "everyday, ordinary people" that they were the salt of the earth. "Salt gives flavor," he said. "It makes what's already there better. Your job is to go into this world and make it a better place. Your job is to reflect that light."

An energetic speaker, Taimi used many stories, both humorous and moving, from his family. With a focus on real life and no excuses, he asked people to make a difference wherever they are. "You are what makes ministry happens," he said. "You are it."