The Biggest Medical and Scientific Blunder in History

By Lainey S. Cronk on December 18, 2007

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Come and hear the reality of medical and scientific blunders as Dr. David Rasnick presents "But-What about Africa?" at Pacific Union College on Monday, February 9, at 7 p.m. in Dauphinee Chapel. This presentation is part of PUC's All-Science Seminar series, an on-going program designed to inform students and faculty on recent scientific discoveries. The series is open to the public.

Rasnick is a visiting scholar to the department of molecular & cell biology at UC Berkeley, and the chief science officer of Boveran in San Ramon, California.

In his presentation, Rasnick will discuss medical errors in history such as the refusal of the medical community in the mid 1800s to accept the theory that disinfection of doctors' hands could save the lives of women in the obstetrics wards.

Another medical rejection Rasnick will discuss involves Dr. Joseph Goldberger's definitive evidence in the 1900s that pellagra was not infectious, but caused by a poor diet.

Rasnick also believes that "the contagious, HIV hypothesis of AIDS" is another example of a medical blunder - in fact, that it is "the biggest scientific, medical blunder of the 20th Century."

Upcoming presentations in the All-Science Seminar series include Dr. Peter Duesberg, member of the National Academy of Sciences and renowned retro virologist on February 10; Darren Main, yoga/meditation instructor and author, on February 17, and Christine Maggiore, founder of Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives, a non-profit education, support, and research organization, on February 24.