PUC's Board Discusses Wage Increases and the Sale of Land

By Mike Mennard on November 12, 2007

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Wednesday, April 29, two key issues were discussed at Pacific Union College's regular meeting of the board of trustees: faculty wages and the possible sale of PUC property.

The board voted to increase salaries and benefits for faculty and staff to the mean paid by similar Christian institutions in the area. The increased wages are contingent on raising additional funds, which is as yet an unresolved discussion.

As for the sale of land, no definite decisions were made. The board simply voted to meet again on June 15 after more dialogue. College president, Malcolm Maxwell, has established an intranet newsgroup for continued dialogue among campus employees and students, and he encourages response from the school's constituency.

The Finance Committee did, however, favor the concept of selling land in order to "establish an endowment to maintain the fiscal integrity of the institution, to fund an increase in faculty salaries, and to retire college debt, and." But after further deliberation, the board decided that more discussion and feedback was needed before a decision could be made.